c program to implement Heap sort Algorithm
>> Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Before going through this program. Read this for better understanding of program.“Consider the complete tree H. Observe that H is a heap. H is represented in array TREE. That is, TREE[1] is the root of the tree H, and the left and right children of node TREE[k] are, respectively, TREE[2k] and TREE[2k+1]. This means that in particular, that the parent of any non root node TREE[j] is the node TREE[j/2](where j/2 means integer division). Observe that the nodes of H on the same level appear one after the other in the array TREE”.
Write a program to apply heap sort algorithm ?
Output :
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int TREE[10],N,i,j,K,p,c,temp; printf("\n\n Enter no of elements.."); scanf("%d",&N); printf("\n\n Enter the nos.."); for(i=1;i<=N;i++) scanf("%d",&TREE[i]); for(i=2;i<=N;i++) { K=i; do { if(TREE[K]>TREE[K/2]) // Values are inserted in the heap { temp=TREE[K]; TREE[K]=TREE[K/2]; TREE[K/2]=temp; } p=K/2; K=p; } while(K!=0); } printf("\n\n\n On inserting values are arranged as \n"); for(i=1;i<=N;i++) // Displaying values in heap printf("%d\t",TREE[i]); for(j=N;j>0;j--) { temp=TREE[1]; TREE[1]=TREE[j]; TREE[j]=temp; p=0; do { // Heap sorting is applied c=2*p+2; if((TREE[c]<TREE[c+1]) && c<j-1) c++; if(TREE[p]<TREE[c] && c<j) { temp=TREE[p]; TREE[p]=TREE[c]; TREE[c]=temp; } p=c; }while(c<(j+1)); } printf("\n\n\n The sorted nos are.."); for(i=1;i<=N;i++) // printing the heap in sorted order printf("%d\t",TREE[i]); getch(); }
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