c program to find prime number efficiently in less time ?

>> Friday, October 28, 2011

This C program will find the given number is prime with less time, by testing whether the given number is a multiple of any integer between 2 and square root of that number. Lets take an example to understand this. Suppose the number is 21, then rather to check its divisibility from 2 to 20, just test it divisibility only by 2, 3, and 4.As square of 4 is 16 and that of 5 is 25 which is greater than 21. The below program will let you know how this is done.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() {      int n;      int i,s=1,p=1;      printf("enter the number :");      scanf("%d",&n);      while(p<n)      {      s++;      p=s*s;      }      printf("\nDivisibility is checked till number %d \n\n",s-1);      for(i=2; i<s; i++)      {               if(n%i==0)                {                 printf("%d is not a prime number", n);                getch();                return (1);                }       } printf("%d is a prime number", n); getch(); }            

Here is the output :

C program to find prime number effeciently in less time and fast
 find prime number efficiently in less time


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This blog will contain c programs related to interview preparation, basic programs, operating system, graphics, data structure, algorithms implementation, compiler and porjects. C is one of the most widely used programming languages of all time. This blog is intended for engineer students and for the people who are preparing for their interview in IT sector.

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